Experimentalists Anonymous DIY Archives

Current directory: diy/Schematics/Oscillators LFOs and Signal Generators/

 555 BASIC astable theory
 AR-317 VCO
 AR-324 Lag and LFO
 Amplified White Noise Generator
 Basic Saw VCO
 Basic white noise generator
 Bens Simple 40106 Tone Generator
 CEM3340 VCO
 CF4548 based VCO
 CMOS Inverter Test Oscillator
 Complex Waveform Generator
 Digisound vcdo
 Dual 555 Oddball Oscillator
 Dual VCO
 Dual transistor astable multivibrator
 E-Music VCDO
 EMS VCS3 Osillator
 High output noise generator
 LM13700 sine wave VCO
 Minimoog VCO
 Moog 901A
 Moog 901B
 Moog 901C
 Moog 921
 Oberheim Mini-Sequencer
 PAIA 2720-2a VCO
 PAIA 2720-5 Control Oscillator and Noise Source
 Paia 4720a
 Pink Noise Generator
 Polyfusion Noise Generator
 Quad omp amp sine wave LFO
 Roland 150 Full Signal Source
 Simple 4016 Robo Voice
 Simple 555 tone generator
 Simple Dual LFO
 Simple Quadrature Oscillator
 Simple White Noise Generator 2
 Sine Wave Generation Techniques
 Sine Wave Quadrature Oscillator
 Siren generator
 Stereo test tone oscillator
 Tony Clark VCLFO
 Triangle Square and Sine Test Oscillator
 Voltage Controlled Triangle and Square wave